Boas praticas: Incluindo um artigo no TechNet Wiki

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Hoje coloquei um vídeo no TechNet Wiki sobre Boas Praticas na Hora de incluir um artigo no TechNet Wiki.



O Vídeo abaixo mostra como incluir um artigo no TechNet Wiki de forma simples, organizada para que outras pessoas possam tirar o maior proveito quando precisar do artigo.

Nota:O Vídeo mostra a inclusão de um artigo de solução de problemas e a inclusão do Artigo em um guia de sobrevivência.


Acesse: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/3831.aspx

Um abraço e até o proximo post.



Categories: MICROSOFT

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  • Xrumer is a program that can post in community forums as well as publish blog comments. It has many great benefits and can get around problems such as account creation, client detection, and captchas. It's very convenient because of this. An xrumer service is where an individual will operate this impressive program for you. Using an Xrumer Service truly makes obtaining fantastic SEO results easy. If you wish to use Xrumer all on your own you have to spend $500 plus money for a dedicated hosting server. This usually costs about $150 monthly. A far cheaper option is to just use an Xrumer service.

    Verify that you are getting good quality work when you choose to use an Xrumer service. Make sure you are getting verified posts so that you can verify that your particular Search engine optimization attempts are working. Whoever does the Xrumer service for you ought to confirm every post that is live in a forum and send you a report. If they will not give you this, then you definitely should get somebody else for your Xrumer needs. You also want to ensure that there are no broken links. If the forum doesn't not allow HTML or certain types of anchor-text, then you'll have numerous broken links. This will not help your SEO rankings, so it is a waste of time.

    While Xrumer is very good, there are many people that don't make any promises about the quantity of posts you'll receive. The ones who stand behind their Xrumer work often cost more, when you can find anyone to provide an Xrumer service at reasonable prices, you need to jump on it. You will then know that you're getting backlinks you deserve.

    There are many providers who offer a Xrumer service who offer a couple of hundred thousand forum posts or blog comments. This is great, but the reality is most of these will not even get recognized. The rate of success for this type of Xrumer blast is normally around 4%. Then out of those a lot of them are not even live on the internet. To make sure you are getting high quality work be sure you can verify the number of guaranteed posts from an Xrumer service.

    Xrumer may take your site straight to the top of Google when it is used the right way. However, this will not be enough alone in many instances. You will have to combine other backlinking strategies and on page SEO as well. However if you are serious about obtaining higher rankings in the SERP's, then you need to think about using an Xrumer service.

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